Browsing: Technology

IT- och säkerhetsteamen på alla företag har länge prioriterat att skydda och förhindra förlust av känslig information. Men nu när folk, enheter och appar tar sig långt utanför det traditionella kontorets gränser omprövar informationschefen och informationssäkerhetschefen synen på informationsskydd och de verktyg de behöver för att säkra och förhindra missbruk av känsliga data.

Global organizations are managing ongoing pandemic-related challenges—supply chain issues, worker shortages, and the continued need to respond to changing regulatory health and safety mandates. Businesses across industries are moving forward, leveraging technology to rebuild customer relationships, automate and streamline business processes, and increase revenue.

IT organizations are trying to keep their businesses running while migrating to modern, future-proof approaches. To understand cloud native application trends, ESG surveyed 387 IT professionals at organizations in the U.S. responsible for evaluating, purchasing, managing, and building application infrastructure.

Understand potential risks in your cluster and the best practices for securing sensitive workloads. You’ll learn: The most important things to keep in mind when you host sensitive workloads on Kubernetes Actionable recommendations to secure your Kubernetes clusters Access control variabilities, and security monitoring and auditing considerations How to understand potential risks in your cluster