Browsing: Technology

In the age of digital transformation, supplier management and procurement have been late bloomers. But organizations have learned in the past couple of years just how vulnerable global supply chains are to disruption, prompting renewed emphasis on digitizing supplier management and procurement processes.

Cloud-powered services create benefits for all types of companies, yet most enterprises are merely scratching the surface of what’s possible in the cloud. According to a 2021 analysis by McKinsey, $1 trillion in run -rate EBITDA is up for grabs between now and 2030. Early cloud adopters will secure a disproportionate share of that value by gaining experience and building differentiated capabilities.

The adoption of digital transformation, cloud computing, and Infrastructure as a Service all have brought business new found success. However as an unintended consequence nearly all of an enterprise digital assets are accessible by third, fourth, and Nth parties — far outside the corporate security perimeter.

Organizations hold incredibly valuable information in cloud databases. Unfortunately, a large number of databases are left exposed with little to no authentication. These open databases result in organizations of all sizes, unknowingly, leaving back doors to their data open, which can be exploited to devastating effect by hackers.

A cloud-based project and team management company headquartered in Tel Aviv,, was looking to hire new team members in Brazil and Canada. However, the company did not have an entity set up there, making it complex to take the next step into a new market.

Are your teams remote or flexing to a hybrid workspace? From onboarding through global team integration, and even employee offboarding, our HR experts laid out a strategy for companies to create an engaging, rewarding work environment for their team members, wherever they may be located.