SOLARWATT is the market leader for innovative glass-glass modules and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of power storage devices.
The Dresden-based company is active throughout Europe and has become one of the leading German manufacturers of photovoltaic systems, which range from Made in Germany high-quality solar modules to intelligent energy management and storage systems for residential and commercial use.
SOLARWATT wanted to be able to sell products directly from its website and not from their competitors’ sites. The company sought to offer an enhanced customer experience that allows customers to place orders from any device. SOLARWATT was also looking to reduce the amount of manual work rela ted to customer orders that employees were performing.
OSF Digital implemented Salesforce B2B Commerce and leveraged SOLARWATT’s existing Salesforce Sales Cloud platform.
SOLARWATT now benefits from a powerful B2B store, and sells products directly from its own website —not from the competition’s. Customers can now place orders using mobile devices. The company also benefits from a reduced amount of time its employees spend manually handling customer orders.